Beckett’s Ex to Sing National Anthem for ALCS Game 5

October 18, 2007 at 6:32 pm | Posted in baseball | 1 Comment
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According to ESPN, tonight the Cleveland Indians have tracked down Danielle Peck, an ex of Red Sox starting pitcher Josh Beckett, to sing the National Anthem and God Bless America. Taylor Swift was originally scheduled to sing the anthem but had to cancel. Hrm…

It’s tough to believe that the Indians would stoop this low to get into Beckett’s head. Cleveland officials have claimed that the whole thing in a total coincidence. Sure it is.

It has been a long time since Cleveland has won a World Series, and apparently they are willing to do anything to get there. It’s one thing for fans to show up at the park and heckle a player, but for team management to try to bring a player’s personal life onto the playing field is just bush-league.

This isn’t over yet, Cleveland.

UPDATE: The baseball gods have shown their disapproval of such attempts to sway the ALCS, as the Red Sox won games 5, 6, and 7 to advance to the World Series. Go Sox!

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